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Too Good Epub

The crux of epub editing is the type of design and layout you use. Readers will access your interactive ebook on multiple devices, so you have to optimize your epub book for multi-device compatibility.

Too good epub

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The reflowable layout will adjust itself according to the screen or devices; no pinching or zooming is needed. It is much easier to use and optimize, so the best practice while epub editing is to use the reflowable layout.

I think this is a better idea than trying to force logseq into being an epub reader on top of being a note taking app. There are plenty of epub reader application developers we could reach out to if this is the direction the community decided to go.

You say "customize,,,in most EPUBS". Is there a way to force customization in -all- epubs? My eyes are betraying me with age; what's comfy for more than a sentence varies with many factors. I sometimes need very large fonts (1/2-1 inch tall); slender fonts smear too much even then; and contrast matters excessively. So anything I -can't- customize is often unreadable.

How about a Bookle Pro that's independent of the app store, once you see how the original Bookle fares. It would presumably be a separate program, but aimed at serious readers/creators, who will (hopefully) be willing to pay $20-40 for full featured software, including no library--just double an epub, and it launches. Maybe meta data editing within BP, and it would be great to be able to hand the css or other parts to something like bbedit for in place editing (foiling publishers who think they know best :-)). Bonus points (and bucks!) for Leopard support.

Great idea. Sadly, a little too late for me. Last week, I finally overcame my revulsion to Calibre's interface (tip: reduce font size to minimum and remove the toolbar icons) and now use it for managing my entire pdf/epub collection and I can thoroughly recommended Calibre (if you can stomach the interface): it is exceptionally full-featured. Although $10 is not a lot to pay for the only native ePub reader on the Mac, it is still (infinitely) more expensive than the cross-platform category leader with an extensive user base and good software support. IMO this restricts Bookle's appeal to those who wish to donate $10 to support TidBITS. I wish the product well, but hope that the eagerness to extract $$ from potential users doesn't dent its adoption by a more general (ie. non-TidBITS supporting) user base.

Typically, if you buy a PDF version of a technical book from O'Reilly, you can download the .epub (iPad) version and/or .mobi (Kindle) version for free. I don't know if you have these options with Take Control books, but I expect not.

As you can read about in the specification itself, EPUB 3 guards against CSS specifications that are in progress and will potentially change by establishing a CSS Profile, which is employed with the -epub- prefix. See CSS Text Level 3 to learn about the -epub- prefixed properties relating to styling text, such as -epub-hyphens* and -epub-line-break.

To see an example of a font embedded in an EPUB, change the file extension of the wasteland-woff-20120118.epub file to .zip, and use your favorite ZIP utility to unzip the file. In this example, the EPUB creator includes three variants of the font face OldStandard.

I am exporting a novel as reflowable epub with indesign and when I test it with the viewer app, I find that the pages every now and then do not end on the same line. This means that on page number 5 the text box end one line before compared to page 6.

For content consumers (readers), we have developed a bookmarklet for modern browsers (desktop or mobile). And, if you are a Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari for Mac user, you can install the dotepub extension in your browser.

To send an epub file to Kindle via email, find an email address associated with your Kindle e-reader or app, add a file as an attachment, and in a few minutes, it should appear in your Kindle library.

I have tested adding epub files extensively in a few recent days, and 90% of the file transfers were successful. For comparison, all mobi files that I have ever sent to Kindle in ten years have been accepted.

The tool is called Change Epub Cover, and is a part of an online converter platform. Simply, add an original epub file, add an image that you want to be displayed as cover art, and choose image resizing and background options.

The news that epub is now endorsed by Amazon may have made you come up with the idea that now is the best time to collect all your ebooks in one place or switch from your current ebook platform, for instance Kobo or Nook.

Above is a video explaining the basics of ebook publishing, formatting and conversion. The video below will show you how to convert from Word (.docx) to epub and mobi formats with my free ebook conversion tool.

"Ebooks" are digital versions of your book that can be read on tablets and smartphones. Most ebook stores use a file format called "epub" - but Amazon/Kindle uses a slightly modified file format called "mobi." Most bookstore chains have their own ereader device and their own bookstore; but some companies like Smashwords, BookBaby, and Lulu offer "distribution" - which means they'll send your ebook out to all the online retailers and keep track of sales for you.

The mobi file wouldn't open with my Kindle application for some reason (I'm getting it checked). But the epub version looks great! I'm viewing it with Adobe Digital Previewer. The chapter heading style, italics, centering and non-indent on the first paragraph all came through fine.

When you're ready, hit the green checkmark ("OK") on the bottom. It will think for awhile, and then the new format will show up on the right side. Do this for mobi and epub (or just epub and use the Kindle Previewer trick), then click "Save to Disk" and choose where you want to save it.

Luckily if you've already gotten your Word document ready as we discussed earlier (remove tabs, headers and footers, use H1 tags) you should just need to add the necessary copyright to the front and "Smashwords Edition" and it should be ready to go. (You can also just use the epub file you've made; you'll have to use Sigil to add "Smashwords Edition" to the front.)

I've just had this issue with a purchased ePub book, from a publisher. I solved it by using Calibre to convert it from ePub to ePub. The resulting file is a few k different in size and the new one copied over OK. I think this issue occured because it originally downloaded as a .zip file and after expanding there was no file type. I added the .epub suffix in order to load it in to Calibre and then converted after the first attempt to load it on the iPad failed.

Note that the file is contained in a zip file. That's just because it's easier to feed zip files off the Web site that way. Inside the zip file is the .epub file. You can open that up with any zip program, either by changing the extension or by setting your program to open .epub.

Reading, converting and editing EPUB ebooksSince switching to the Archos 5 Android tabletfor my daily feed reading, I've also been using it to read books in EPUB format.There are tons of places to get EPUB ebooks -- I won't tryto list them all, but Project Gutenbergis a good place to start. The next question was how to read them.Reading EPUB books: Aldiko or FBReaderI've already mentioned Aldiko in my post onAndroidas an RSS reader. It's not so good for reading short RSS feeds, but it's excellent for ebooks.But Aldiko has one fatal flaw: it insists on keeping its books in oneplace, and you can't change it. When I tried to add a bigtechnical book, Aldiko spun for several minutes with no feedback,then finally declared it was out of space on the device. Frustrating,since I have a nearly empty 8-gigabyte micro-SD card and there's noway to get Aldiko to use it. Fiddling with symlinks didn't help.A reader gave me a tip a while back that I should check out FBReader. I'd been avoiding it because of a bad experience with theearly FBReader on the Nokia 770 -- but it's come a long way since then,and FBReaderJ, the Android port, works very nicely. It's as good areader as Aldiko (except I wish the line spacing were moreconfigurable). It has better navigation: I can see how far along inthe book I am or jump to an arbitrary point, tasks Aldiko makes quitedifficult. Most important, it lets me keep my books anywhere I want them.Plus it's open source.Creating EPUB books: Calibre and ebook-convertI hadn't had the tablet for long before I encountered an article that was onlyavailable as PDF. Wouldn't it be nice to read it on my tablet?Of course, Android has lots of PDF readers. But most of them aren'tsmart about things like rewrapping lines or changing fonts and colors,so it's an unpleasant experience to try to read PDF on a five-inch screen.Could I convert the PDF to an EPUB?Sadly, there aren't very many open-source options for handling EPUB.For converting from other formats, you have one choice: Calibre.It's a big complex GUI program for organizing your ebook library and awhole bunch of other things I would never want to do, and it has a tonof prerequisites, like Qt4.But the important thing is that it comes with a small Pythonscript called ebook-convert.ebook-convert has no built-in help -- it takes lots of options,but to find out what they are, you have to go to theebook-convert page on Calibre's site. But here's all you typically needebook-convert --authors "Mark Twain" --title "Huckleberry Finn" infile.pdf huckfinn.epubUpdate:They've changed the syntax as of Calibre v. 0.7.44, and now it insistson having the input and output filenames first:ebook-convert infile.pdf huckfinn.epub --authors "Mark Twain" --title "Huckleberry Finn"Pretty easy; the only hard part is remembering that it's --authorsand not --author.Calibre (and ebook-convert) can take lots of different input formats,not just PDF. If you're converting ebooks, you need it. I wishebook-convert was available by itself, so I could run it on a server;I took a quick stab at separating it, but even once I separated outthe Qt parts it still required Python libraries not yet available onDebian stable. I may try again some day, but for now, I'll stick torunning it on desktop systems.Editing EPUB books: SigilBut we're not quite done yet. Calibre and ebook-convert do a fairlygood job, but they're not perfect. When I tried converting my GIMP book from a PDF,the chapter headings were a mess and there was no table of contents.And of course I wanted the cover page to be right, instead of thedefault Calibre image. I needed a way to edit it.EPUB is an XML format, so in theory I could have fixed this with atext editor, but I wanted to avoid that if possible.And I found Sigil.Wikipedia claims it's theonlyapplication that can edit EPUB books.There's no sigil package in Ubuntu (though Arch has one), but it wasvery easy to install from the sigil website. And it worked beautifully. I cleanedup the font problems at the beginnings of chapters, added chapterbreaks where they were missing, and deleted headings that didn't belong.Then I had Sigil auto-generate a table of contents from headers in thedocument. I was also able to fix the title and put the real book coveron the title page.It all worked flawlessly, and the ebook I generated with Sigil looksvery nice and has working navigation when I view it in FBReaderJ(it's still too big for Aldiko to handle).Very impressive. If you've ever wanted to generate your own ebook, oredit one you already have, you should definitely check out Sigil.


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