As September arrives, so does the first hint of autumn. There's a chill in the air, plants and flowers have lost their vigorous summer growth and the days are markedly shorter. Nature is beginning its journey inwards and so must we, so this month we'll focus on prana. More specifically the five aspects of pranic energy that promote wellbeing in our bodies.
Prana is sanskrit for 'primary energy' and according to yogic scripture our bodies are simply a vessel of this life energy. This energy moves through the body in specific patterns called the vayus (also known as winds or currents). These vayus control the vital physical and subtle processes in the body and over the next four weeks, we'll explore each more deeply through our practice.
The five vayus (or winds) briefly explained
As the inward-moving force, prana vayu controls our inhalation. In the physical body it's associated with the heart and lungs.
A downward-moving force, apana vayu regulates elimination and is centered in the pelvis. In Western anatomy, this correlates with the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems.
Samana. This is the energy of digestion and assimilation and is located around the navel. This links closely with the digestive system, specifically the process of nutrient absorption.
Udana. As the upward-moving energy, udana vayu controls speech, thought, and expression. It connects with the throat and neck region, aligning with the brain, nervous system, and respiratory functions.
Vyana. This is an outward-moving force and is responsible for circulation and movement throughout the body. Western anatomy parallels this with the circulatory and muscular systems.
Throughout September we will explore each of the vayus in more detail through our asana and meditation practice. And through our practice we'll begin to understand how the vayus can help us to maintain health and vitality – mentally, physically and spiritually.
See you on the mat.